
The warning_popup_message mission scripting command sends a very short message to all consoles of the specified type.



Valid Values



name text Optional, and you only need to use one, either name OR use_gm_selection. Name of player ship.  If anything other than the name given to the first ship ("Artemis"), NO ships will see the popup.  This attribute was added in Artemis v2.4.
use_gm_selection anything Use this attribute to use the game master's selected player ship.  If a player ship is not selected, applies to ALL player ships.  This attribute was added in Artemis v2.4.






text, a collection of the letters MHWESCOF, where:

  M = Main screen
  H = Helm

  W = Weapons

  E = Engineering

  S = Science

  C = Comms

  O = Observer

  F = Fighter


The set of consoles that the message should appear on.

F for the Fighter console is not documented, but works.


Contrary to what changes.txt implies, the "player_slot" attribute does NOT work with this command, and "name" and "use_gm_selection" do not work as one would expect, but instead work as documented above.  As of v2.7, there is no way to direct a message to a player ship other than Artemis, except with "use_gm_selection" when the GM has selected the desired ship.


Setting "name" to "Artemis" causes the message to be directed to Mainscreen and Science no matter the value of "consoles". Since this attribute is unreliable it may be best to avoid using it. If you specify the name of the first ship in the create command, this name should be used instead of "Artemis". As stated above, there is no way to direct a message to a second player ship, even if it is created with a name.