
USFP Station

Page history last edited by RyleyRA 7 years, 11 months ago

USFP Base Stations


There are 5 types of USFP Base Stations as of Artemis 2.1.1. They include the Civilian Base, Command Base, Science Base, Industrial Base, and Deep Space Base, the Deep Space Base being the only station that originated from Pre-2.0 Artemis. 


All six types of station have defensive shields. Command and Deep Space bases also have limited armaments. Even though the stations have defensive capability, they still require support from other USFP craft (Escorts, Destroyers, and the Artemis) to survive. The communications officer can contact each base and request current status, or instruct the base to concentrate on building a certain type of torpedo.


Quick Stats

Base Type Shield (Front/Back) Beam? Torp? Build Factor
Deep Space Base                            
Y N 1.0
Civilian 400 N N 0.5
Command 800 Y Y 2.0
Industrial 400 N N 3.0
Science 400 N N 0.5



  • A Base Station  is capable of resupplying starships, both with energy and with torpedoes.
    • Ships docked with a starbase also regenerate shield strength faster, if they have power to their shields. 
    • A base cannot repair internal damage to a ship, although it can replace injured DamCon Teams. 
  • A base's build factor is used to determine how long it will take to build a torpedo, and how many of that base will appear in a standard Scenario.
    • For instance, a Deep Space Base, with a build factor of 1.0, takes 3 minutes to build a Homing torpedo.
    • A Civilian base, with build factor 0.5, would take 6 minutes (twice as long) to build the same torpedo.
    • A Command base, with a build factor of 2.0, would take only half the time, or 90 seconds. 
  • Most Scenarios will create 4 build factors worth of bases. Thus, a Scenario may create 4 Deep Space Bases, 8 Civilian Bases, 2 Command Bases, or any other combination that totals to 4.0.
  • Despite their size, Base Stations are fairly fragile and vulnerable to weapon damage. Unlike ships, which have 70 hull, bases have only 1 hull. It only takes a single hit from any weapon to destroy a base, once its shields are down.


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