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Long Range Sensors

Page history last edited by RyleyRA 4 years, 4 months ago Saved with comment

The Long Range Sensors (LRS) Screen 


Long Range Sensors are the main reference point for a full view of the current sector. The LRS screen, as it is commonly called, is a 'top-down' view of the sector, and it provides the location of allied and enemy ships, as well as various space terrain features such as asteroids, minefields, nebulae, and black holes.


The player ship appears on this screen as a large green dot. (Near the base DS1) Allied ships are smaller light blue dots, and enemy ships are red, if they are identified, or light grey, if they are not. Base stations appear as yellow rings.


Asteroids are brown dots, nebulae are large, partially transparent dots, (purple here, although they also appear in yellow and light blue) and mines are small white dots. Black holes are nested blue star shapes, and the purple dots are either derelict ships or xeno-organisms. Anomalies are not visible on the LRS screen.


This image also shows a small green dot, (near G22) which was used for space whales in previous versions. Currently space whales are shown in purple, like other xeno-organisms. Player ships other than your own, including single seat craft, also show up in purple.


What can be seen on the LRS screen depends on which setting was chosen on the server setup screen under the "Sensors" setting. This setting affects the player ship's sensor range, which is what provides the data for the LRS screen. The longer the range, the more of the sector will be available for scanning, thus revealing enemy ships. If the sensor range is too short, some enemies will not be shown on the LRS screen. Friendly bases will report enemies in their sensor range too, so some enemies may be outside of your sensor range but still visible.


Also, power put into the Sensors system affects the LRS screen. Less than 100% power will cause the LRS screen to flicker, and the lower the power level, the worse the flickering. Damage to the Sensors system will also cause flickering, or even complete lack of LRS if the system is completely damaged.


It is important to note that enemies that enter nebulae are not shown on the LRS screen, but the SCI Officer can still see them with the ship's sensors, if the enemy is within the range of the ships scanning equipment. (Again affected by the setting chosen on the Sever Setup Screen.)  Some enemies have the ability to appear invisible to the LRS screen or even the Main screen, but Science can see them. Some enemies can cloak, which will hide them even from Science, but the enemy will appear when they attack, or if their cloak needs to recharge.


Friendly ships, monsters and sector terrain features such as mines will be visible at any range, no matter what the sensor range is set to. Anomalies only appear on the Science screen (or Captain's Map) but they are also visible at any range.


While the LRS screen is usually displayed on the Main screen, it can also be displayed separately as a Data screen. Each console is also equipped with a tab (LRS) which will display its own view of this screen.



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