
The destroy_near mission scripting command removes unnamed objects from the game if they are near a specified point. Use the "name" attribute to destroy things close to a named object. The "name" attribute will override the "center" attributes with the location of the named object.


Attribute  Valid Values  Optional? Description 
type  nebulas, asteroids, mines, whales, drones, all   The type of objects that will be removed.
name text Optional  If specified, objects will be destroyed around the named object with the matching name, overriding centerX, centerY, centerZ attributes.
use_gm_position anything Optional  If specified, objects will be destroyed around the position specified by GM console, overriding name or centerX, centerY, centerZ attributes.
centerX  0 to 100000    The x-coordinate of the point, in distance left from the right edge of the map.
centerY  -100000 to 100000    The y-coordinate of the point.
centerZ  0 to 100000    The z-coordinate of the point, in distance down from the top edge of the map.
radius  0 to 100000    The distance around the defined point that objects will be removed.