The start_getting_keypresses_from mission scripting command sets a client console to key-active; it sends key press messages to the server. Note that key presses are notoriously unreliable (for example if there are multiple Comms consoles, they appear to work only from one of them), and so for versions later than 2.5.101, missions should use set_comms_button instead. They work best for one-ship scenarios with one copy of each console.
Valid Values
text, a collection of the letters MHWESCOF, where:
M = Main screen
H = Helm
W = Weapons
E = Engineering
S = Science
C = Comms
O = Observer
F = Fighter
The set of console(s) we want.
Key presses can be particularly helpful on shuttle away missions (when there is only one shuttle and a single Fighter console). Under the normal controls.ini, the following keys are already in use on the Fighter console:
A S D Q W E R Spc Enter Ins Del (keyboard left to right)
A D E Q R S W Del Enter Ins Spc (alphabetical order)
The rest are available for key binding and away mission interactions.
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