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DMX Interface

Page history last edited by Dave Thaler 8 years, 3 months ago

So you want your ship to light up, blink, dazzle, and so forth?  Now you can!  Artemis supports a DMX interface using the FTDI RS232Q chip, found in the ENTTEC DMX Open box as well as numerous other types.  This info will be broken into USB-DMX interface, Commercial vs DIY lighting, a Links page for different things to buy, a list of DMX cues and DMX code snippets.




DMX Cues - List of different triggers that the game DMX interface can respond to.


Example DMX Declaration - The breakdown of a DMX cue.


DMX Links - Links to useful forum posts and great builds!


USB-DMX Converters - These are the devices needed to get your computer talking to your DMX lights.


Networked devices - Some network-connected devices (Hue lights, WeMo switches, etc.) can be used without any DMX converter, via the Artemis Bridge Tools mod.

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