
USB-DMX Converters

Page history last edited by Dave Thaler 8 years, 2 months ago

Here are a number of confirmed Artemis compatible USB-DMX interfaces.


Natively supported:


ENTTEC Open ($70 USD) - Plug and play, not too expensive.  Comes with 5-pin DMX Cable plug, compatible with most commercial gear.


FTDI USB-RS485 Cable (£21.50) - Contains the USB-Serial chip, you'll need to attach your own connector.  This can be the standard 5- or 3- pin XLR connector; it can also be connected to a RJ45 Cat5 connector.  


HolidayCoro Cable - Same cable as the FTDI cable, but comes with the Cat5 connector already attached and a Cat5 connector.  Ships to US only, but works with many re-shippers.  $23.95, or $19.97 "pre-season" (before holiday rush) but currently out of stock.


GearMo USB to RS485/RS422 Converter ($35 USD) includes screw terminals to avoid the need for soldering. Available at Amazon.com in the USA here: http://amzn.com/B005CPI0JQ 


USB to RS485 TTL Serial Converter Adapter FTDI interface ($2.77 USD) - includes screw terminals to avoid the need for soldering.  It is not enclosed in anything, but you can't beat the price.  An Artemis forum thread includes discussion.


Works with 3rd party program:


HolidayCoro ActiDongle ($50 USD) - This is an Enttec DMX Pro compatible DMX controller that comes with a standard 3-pin XLR connector as well as an RJ45 Cat5 connector, and can drive both simultaneously.   Artemis does not natively support DMX Pro controllers, but has been confirmed to work with this controller when the Artemis Bridge Tools mod is also installed and configured.


Lixada USD to DMX Interface Adapter ($21 USD) - This is a uDMX compatible DMX controller that comes with a standard 3-pin XLR connector.  Artemis does not natively support uDMX controllers, but has been confirmed to work with this controller when the Artemis Bridge Tools mod is also installed and configured.


K8062 USB Controlled DMX Interface Kit (£40 or $62 USD) - This is a Velleman compatible DMX controller that comes with a standard 3-pin XLR connector.  Artemis does not natively support uDMX controllers, but has been confirmed to work with this controller when the Artemis Bridge Tools mod is also installed and configured.

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